Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Aithne Posts TK Kenyon's Links!


What a nice person she is! Go read and buy her stuff!

TK Kenyon

TK Kenyon Reviews Cryoburn by LM Bujold at SF Signal

I only gave it 4.5 stars. Is that enough for a Hugo-nominated novel?


Where to Connect with TK Kenyon -- Google+ and Goodreads and Twitter, oh my!

Google+ is the hottest new site, right? https://plus.google.com/114092439743576593278/posts 
If you’re into science, connect with me here: http://www.linkedin.com/in/tkkenyon
Great blog for creative writing tips. http://tkkenyon.blogspot.com/
I even MySpace, occasionally. http://www.myspace.com/tkkenyon
Tweet with me! I tweet links to free e-fiction on the web and happy thoughts! https://twitter.com/#!/TKKenyon
A great place to see what I’m up to, writing-wise. http://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/malachitepublishing
Shelfari is another great book site: http://www.shelfari.com/tkkenyon
Connect with me on Goodreads: A great site for readers: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/202809.T_K_Kenyon
All my blogs: Gluten-Free, creative writing, other stuff. http://www.blogger.com/profile/13756031460622964015
Like to blow things up? Here’s a guy who did it for a living. Now that’s job satisfaction! http://www.chemheritage.org/discover/magazine/articles/26-4-science-and-celebrity.aspx
Having trouble with your overprotective parents? Try being Indian, in the theater, and lesbian. http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/66664 http://www.amazon.com/Nag-Hindi-Cobra-ebook/dp/B0055WXKDW

Monday, September 26, 2011

Harry Potter, Othello, and The Matrix: Story Structure

This excellent lecture in five parts by Dan Wells (he of the excellent podcast Writing Excuses) on story structure is a must-see. Get out a big notepad and prepare to take notes.

Dr. Kenyon’s Daily Writing Apple is a daily writing prompt to help you with your fiction work-in progress, instead of an unrelated writing exercise in creative futility that asks you to write about an elephant or how some other character feels. Subscribe via Atom Posts at http://tkkenyon.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default (LINK) or Like on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dr-Kenyons-Daily-Writing-Apple/157414557652275 (LINK).

Tweet with me onTwitter: @TKKenyon. I tweet where to find excellent free fiction on the internet daily! 

Good other posts to read: 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

TK Kenyon Reviews Cryoburn by LM Bujold at SF Signal

Just thought you guys might like to know that I reviewed Cryoburn by Lois McMaster Bujold at SFSignal.com.

I think I was fair, but I'd love to hear your comments.

TK Kenyon

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Kurt Vonnegut Explains Story Plots for You

Kurt Vonnegut was a genius. No doubt about that, he just was.

Here, he explains the three story plots for you, and he's funny, and he's right.

Watch and learn, friends. Watch and learn.